Dirk Henning
Put more than 40 years of Collins Aerospace space-wheel technology and 7,300 years of in-orbit operational time to work for you. The RSI 68 Momentum and Reaction Wheels feature internal Wheel Drive Electronics at 14-68 Nms. Our TELDIX® space wheels are available with an angular momentum storage capacity spanning a range between 0.04 Nms and 68 Nms. They accommodate the requirements of attitude control systems for spacecraft weighing between 30 kg and 7,000 kg. We also can customize a solution for you.
- Power/loss torque optimized
- Volume/mass optimized
- Hermetically sealed
- Modular configuration
- Fast adaptation to customer requirements
- Space qualified subsystems (rotor, motor, bearing unit and electronics)
- Broad spectrum of different wheel types
- For satellites weighing 1,500 to 5,000 kg
- High reliability through heritage
- Usable as a momentum or reaction wheel
- More than 15 years of lifetime design
Space Wheels
Augustine Mofor