Collins Aerospace has delivered the GPS and anti-jam products for 5th Generation Joint Strike Fighter/F-35 since the platform entered development and operations 20 years ago. Collins’ solution has provided the highest performance in the market, enabling critical missions while ensuring platform and operator safety. Collins has achieved the highest marks for on-time delivery, enabling consistent and predictable delivery of the critical Joint Strike Fighter platform. Additionally, the product has achieved remarkably low need for maintenance and repairs, delivering results that endure.

As the sole provider of M-code ASICs, GPS Receivers and PNT line replaceable units for next generation GPS avionics platforms, Collins directly supports and enables advanced targeting capabilities in diverse and challenging environments. With our extensive experience in outfitting military platforms, the integration of M-Code technology into the avionics platforms ensures that the aircraft can leverage precise navigation and positioning data even in contested airspaces, ultimately contributing to a higher likelihood of mission success. Our "economically-retrofittable" advanced receivers and antennas facilitate seamless integration of M-Code, ensuring U.S. avionics platforms remains a leading edge in modern warfare

Products and capabilities


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