When aircraft abandonment is the only option – lives are changed forever. Since 1979, Collins Aerospace has been welcoming aircrew who safely eject from an aircraft using SIIIS or ACES II® ejection seat systems to become a member of our Grasshopper Club.
To those who have done it, activating an ejection seat is very personal. They were faced with a split-second decision to be thrust out of an aircraft mid-flight or die. It is our honor to recognize their courage and bravery. The experience will stay with them forever.
A fighter jet ejection handle

Grasshopper Club members are invited to speak at a ceremony where they are presented with a commemorative plaque, pin, patch and coin and the opportunity to share their story. We can also conduct ceremonies virtually or simply mail recognition items to the member if they desire. Additionally, Grasshopper members can tour the facility where the ejection seat system was manufactured and meet the Collins employees who build them. The experience can be emotional and life-changing for both the Grasshopper Club members and the employees.

At Collins, we strive for unquestioned reliability – because life depends on it.

Grasshopper Club Inquiries and Member Stories

Ejection seat deploying during show

We enjoy the opportunity to induct new members into the Grasshopper Club. If you, or someone you know, has ejected from a SIIIS or ACES II seat, please email us at [email protected].

Some of those platforms include A-10, F-15, F-16, B-1, B-2, F-2, F-22, F-117, JF-2 and WB-57.

Also, feel free to send us a note anytime to share a story about your ejection seat experience. We'd love to hear from you!

Grasshopper Club member stories
