Virtual Quick Access Recorder Plus (vQAR+)
The InteliSight™ Virtual Quick Access Recorder (vQAR+) application is hosted on the Aircraft Interface Device (AID) and provides QAR functionality for operators to easily implement Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) and Maintenance Operations Quality Assurance (MOQA) programs. The AID is able to access and record ARINC 717 bi-phase and bi-polar frames simultaneously, along with ARINC 429 data. This includes both mandatory and user-modifiable data frames. The AID’s communications manager provides greatly reduced data latency to accelerate the turnaround time from problem report to resolution, while also providing improved data retention as compared to legacy QAR solutions which rely on the manual transport of physical storage media.
ACMS+ is an Aircraft Interface Device (AID)-hosted application and enables operators to quickly create and automate user-defined Aircraft Condition Monitoring System (ACMS) reports from aircraft to ground. ACMS+ provides a drastically reduced operator workload (versus legacy ACMS) via an intuitive graphical programming environment within the InteliSight™ Portal. ACMS+ can also provide a common ACMS reporting tool across mixed operator fleets.
Data Loader
The Aircraft Interface Device (AID) can function as a fully capable ARINC 615 data loader, including automated delivery of electronic ARINC 665 packages. The Data Loader can be linked to the InteliSight™ portal for package delivery and generation of electronic audit trail for aircraft software and database updates.