September 27, 2018 - After a spirited competition, the U.S. Air Force (USAF) has selected the Boeing/Saab team to provide 350 state-of-the-art T-X trainer aircraft and associated ground-based training systems. The T-X trainer will replace the aging fleet of USAF Northrop T-38 Talon aircraft, and will provide USAF aircrew unprecedented basic and advanced training capabilities: integrated ground-airborne training missions; modern high-G, high-angle-of-attack fighter tactics; nighttime tactics; and beyond-visual-range maneuvers.
Jennifer Reed, General Manager, Military Seating at UTC Aerospace Systems said, “Congratulations to the Boeing/Saab team for being chosen to provide this outstanding trainer to the Air Force. Its next-generation capabilities will provide aircrew with invaluable training for years to come.”